• Use a separate Git branch to work for every feature or debug. Link

  • Use a pull request to contribute your valuable work. Link

  • Pick a project to use/improve/fix. Projects

Coding Guidelines

  1. Restrict the code to 100 characters. Use below in your .vimrc file
    " Setting the colum width
    highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=gray
    set colorcolumn=100
  2. Only one statement per line.
    // Variable definition:
    logic enable;
    logic completed;
    logic in_progress;
  3. Always use a begin-end pair to bracket conditional statements:
    // Both statements executed conditionally:
      count= current_count;
      target= current_target;
  4. Use lowercase for names, using underscores to separate fields:
  5. Use the end label for classes, functions, tasks etc., called closing identifiers. Ex:
    function name ()
    endfunction: Name
  6. Use prefix_ and _postfix to delineate name types:
    prefix/postfix	Purpose
    _t            Used for a type created via a typedef
    _e            Used to indicate a enumerated type
    _h            Used for a class handle
    _m            Used for a protected class member (See guideline 2.2)
    _cfg          Used for a configuration object handle
    _ap           Used for an analysis port handle
    _group        Used for a covergroup handle
  7. All structs, unions and enums. They should use camelCase with the following distinction:
    // Structs end with _s
    // Unions end with _u
    // Enums end with _e. Additionally, enumerations should use UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES. 
    enum { IPV4_TCP, IPV4_UDP} packetType_e;
  8. Use a descriptive typedef when declaring a variable instead of a built-in type:
    // Descriptive typedef for a 24 bit audio sample:
    typedef bit[23:0] audio_sample_t;
  9. Declare class methods using extern:
    extern function new(string name);
    extern function results_t get_results();
  10. Check that $cast() has succeeded:
    if(!$cast(t, to_be_cloned.clone())begin
      `uvm_error("get_a_clone","$cast failed for to_be_cloned")
  11. Use if rather than assert to check the status of method calls.
  12. Check that randomize() has succeeded:
    // Using if() to check randomization result 
    // DON'T use assert as they can be turned-off
    if(!seq_item.randomize() with {addressinside{[0:32'hF000_FC00]};}) begin
      `uvm_error("seq_name","randomization failure, please check constraints")
  13. Always declare functions/tasks to be virtual. Helps in using Polymorphism feature.
  14. Do not use associative arrays with a wildcard index[*]:
    string names[*];// cannot be used with foreach, find_index, ...
    string names[int];
  15. Do not use #0 procedural delays. Often, using a non-blocking assignment <= solves this class of problem.
  16. Do not use hard-coded values. Always use constants/parameters.
  17. Always use one-class definition per file.
  18. Keep the file name same as the class name.